
Registration is a key process and this section (including the navigation items to the left) provides information and links for those looking to participate in the National Electricity Market (NEM). Documents in this section contribute to the registration information and resource guidelines AEMO publishes in accordance with the National Electricity Rules (NER).

Participant categories

To participate in the NEM, including associated trading activities conducted by AEMO under the National Electricity Rules (NER), you must register in one or more participant categories. Please see each participant category for more detailed information.

Registering in multiple markets

Participants may register in multiple markets under one ABN; or have multiple ABNs, requiring unique participant IDs for each ABN.

Registering multiple functions

An organisation with a single ABN can perform multiple functions and have single or multiple participant IDs.

An organisation conducting business under multiple ABNs must register the functions for each ABN.

Third-party authority

Applicants must provide a letter of authority if they require AEMO to liaise with a third party at any stage of the registration process. This authority will allow AEMO to disclose information about your application with your nominated third party.

The letter of authority should be sent by email and post to the Onboarding team either with your application, or beforehand.

Registered participants

You can view the current registration and exemption list containing all registered participants in the NEM, registration applicants, registrations that are ceasing or suspended, information about generators and scheduled loads, ancillary services, and registration exemptions.

Fees and charges

The NEM registration process

The following provides an overview of the registration process across all participant categories.

  1. Complete and submit

    Complete the application then email a signed copy along with all required attachments, to: Once submitted to AEMO you will receive an acknowledgement of your application and the AEMO assessment process will commence.  

    Please note:  

    • AEMO is unable to review draft applications;
    • AEMO is unable to access file share drives to download applications or supporting
    • All documentation related to an application is to be submitted to AEMO as attachments
      via email;
    • AEMO is unable to view emails and meeting invites with sensitivity settings marked as
    • AEMO is unable to receive emails over 25MB

    Registration applications that are submitted to AEMO via means other than will not initiate the assessment process. 

    Prior to submitting your application, please ensure that the following information and all information required by the application form is accurate and complete.  

    Without the following information AEMO is unable to initiate the application review process (Stage 03 below):  

    • Application form signed by an authorised officer of the applicant entity 
    • A Letter of Authority must be provided by the applicant entity where a third party is submitting the application on behalf of the applicant – For further information please see above – Third-Party Authority 
    • ABN is provided and accurate 
    • Company name is provided and accurate – If applying as a trust – please ensure the full trust trustee relationship name is provided 
    • Registration contact is provided  
    • Participant Category the application relates to is selected  
  2. Pay fees

    On receipt of your application, AEMO will send an invoice for the payment of your registration fees by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Registration fees are non-refundable, regardless of outcome due to the cost of assessing and managing your application.

  3. AEMO Review

    AEMO reviews the application and responds to you within five business days of receipt of the application. 

    AEMO may request additional information or clarification of the information contained in your application. AEMO will provide details of all outstanding information required to progress your application for decision as part of this request.  If a request is made, you must supply the additional information or clarification within 15 business days of the request. If the further information or clarification is not provided to AEMO's satisfaction within 15 business days of the request, your application will be deemed to have been withdrawn.04 AEMO assessment and decision  

    Once AEMO receives a complete application, AEMO must within 15 business days, determine if the application is to be approved for registration. AEMO will notify you of our determination and, if AEMO rejects your application, the reasons why. Your application will only be deemed as complete once all information required by the application form and guide has been provided to AEMO, along with any clarifications requested by AEMO as a result of the AEMO review, or as a result of subsequent submissions.

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