International system operator collaboration
AEMO is one of six founding members of the International System Operator Network (ISON), formed in 2024. The network also includes CAISO (California), EirGrid (Ireland), Energinet (Denmark), ERCOT (Texas) and NESO (UK) and collectively focuses on real-world, practical solutions to enable the operation of reliable, secure, high-renewable power systems.
ISON is guided by the Chief Executive Officers of the System Operators, including AEMO’s Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Westerman, and supported by technical designates from each System Operator organisation.
The System Operators aim to facilitate a shared approach to tackling obstacles and enable rapid knowledge sharing and deployment of best practices and innovations.
Associated with this, AEMO and ISON are engaging in key research partnerships, including with Australia's research agency CSIRO as well as other universities and research agencies, to support the global network towards the renewable energy transition.
Additionally, AEMO’s engineering and operational readiness priorities for the ongoing energy transition in the National Electricity Market (NEM) and South-West Interconnected System (SWIS) are detailed in our Engineering Roadmaps. AEMO’s priorities are also reflected in the ISON System Operator Transitional Priorities.
System Operator Transitional Priorities
The System Operator Priorities report outlines priority topics for knowledge sharing and collaboration in 2025. The associated Appendix includes a detailed list of priority questions across short-, medium- and longer-term time horizons. ISON welcome feedback and engagement on these and related topics.
Knowledge Sharing Briefs
Topic 3 – Control room of the future
Topic 5 – System restoration
Other topics
If you have any questions related to AEMO’s collaboration with system operators, please contact Luke Robinson.