Network connections
Across the National Electricity Market (NEM), AEMO performs an advisory role in assessing and negotiating performance standards for connecting assets to assure the stable and secure performance of the power system. AEMO also assesses simulation models of power system plant and associated control systems, and performs commissioning and post-commissioning activities This is the case for all connections in the NEM, across transmission and distribution networks. AEMO is also responsible for approving the registration of connecting plant into the NEM.
In Victoria, AEMO also manages the process of connecting to the Declared Shared Network, performing many of the responsibilities carried out in other states by the connecting transmission network service provider. This includes processing transmission connection enquiries and applications, preparing functional specifications, assessing and negotiating performance standards, assessing simulation models of power system plant, negotiating connection contracts, and facilitating first energisation and practical completion.
These functions include the connection/modification of:
- Generating systems.
- Customer facilities.
- Connections between transmission and distribution networks.
A person wishing to connect a facility to the NEM (Connection Applicant) must liaise with the connecting Network Service Provider (NSP). The connecting NSP manages the connection process and is the main point of contact for the Connection Applicant.
In Victoria, AEMO has additional responsibilities. The transmission network is a Declared Shared Network (DSN) and AEMO has been delegated certain functions performed in other parts of the NEM by the connecting NSP in processing connections to the Victorian transmission network.
See pages below for more information on the general connection process in transmission and distribution networks in the NEM, and a more detailed description of the connection process in Victorian transmission network.
These pages focus on generating system connections, as this is the most common type of connection.