South Australian Advisory Functions

The South Australian Advisory Functions (SAAF) is a collection of independent reports prepared by AEMO and published for the South Australian jurisdiction under Section 50B of the National Electricity Law. Under these provisions, the South Australian Government may also request AEMO to undertake additional advisory functions for the South Australian Declared Power System.

The documents being produced as part of the SAAF are listed below.

South Australian Electricity Report (SAER)

The SAER is an executive briefing, summarising South Australia’s supply and demand situation.

The report includes:

  • Consumption and demand, and the impact of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) generation, battery storage, and electric vehicles (EVs).
  • Existing and committed supply, including generation and interconnector capacities and historical performance.
  • Historical electricity spot market pricing information.
  • Supply adequacy and system security outlook.

South Australian Demand Forecasts

The South Australian demand forecasts summarise electricity demand forecasts data, including insights, from the National Electricity Forecasting Report.

South Australian Historical Market Information Report (SAHMIR)

The SAHMIR provides historical information on South Australian electricity market prices, generation, demand, and interconnector flows between South Australia and Victoria, focusing on the past five financial years (2012–13 to 2016–17, and July 2017 where applicable).

South Australian Generation Forecasts

The South Australian Generation Forecasts report provides forecasts of the potential future electricity generation mix in South Australia over the next ten years

South Australian Renewable Energy Report (SARER)

The SARER analyses South Australia’s historical wind farm and rooftop photovoltaic (PV) performance, including electricity market pricing insights, over the past five financial years.

South Australian Fuel and Technology Report (SAFTR)

The SAFTR provides an analysis of fuel, resources, and power generation and supporting technologies in South Australia, to facilitate informed decision-making about South Australia’s energy policies, focusing on availability, maturity, and cost.

Comparison of ElectraNet's TAPR projects and their revenue proposal

This is an independent review of projects submitted by ElectraNet in its annual planning report.

Ad hoc publications

Additional information

Generation information - all generation information can be found here.

South Australia generation maps

South Australia generation maps can be found here.

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