Stage 2 - Enquiry

Connection Applicants must submit a connection enquiry to the connecting Network Service Provider (NSP), to:

  • Help determine the most suitable point of connection.
  • Clarify the information required to submit a connection application.

Once an enquiry has been submitted, a Connection Applicant may also ask AEMO to provide transmission network data to enable the Connection Applicant to undertake connection studies (see AEMO’s Network Data Provision policy).

The enquiry stage is the first formal stage of the connection process under Clause 5.3 (transmission network connections) or Clause 5.3A (embedded generation connections) of the National Electricity Rules (Rules). From this point onwards, the process is prescribed by Chapter 5 of the Rules.

The response to a connection enquiry by the connecting NSP will typically include:

  • Requirements in respect of technical studies and access standards.
  • Further information required to complete an application to connect.
  • Advice on fees payable to the connecting NSP to process an application to connect.
  • The NSP’s preliminary system strength impact assessment, in accordance with the system strength impact assessment guidelines.

The Rules enable any person to fund a connecting TNSP (Transmission NSP) to conduct a Scale Efficient Network Extension (SENE) study. A SENE study will identify the likelihood of multiple network users accessing transmission infrastructure, and the cost of accommodating those network users. Connection Applicants who are interested in funding a SENE study should contact the connecting TNSP at this stage.

Roles and responsibilities summary

AEMO: provides transmission network data for potential applicants upon request.

NSP: manages the connection process and is a primary point of contact, and can provide data if requested.

Connection Applicant: submits enquiries and data request to AEMO/connecting NSP, and progresses other project planning activities such as local, state and federal government approvals addressing matters including licensing, environmental and land use.

Documents checklist


  For more information, you can contact the connecting NSP or email:

  Transmission and distribution connections (NEM advisory) Email us



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