Intervention Settlement Timetables

Terms defined in the National Electricity Rules (NER) are italicised.

The document below contains the initial intervention settlement timetable under NER 3.12.1(b), for any AEMO intervention event that occurs in a billing period specified in the timetable. It is only relevant if an AEMO intervention event actually occurs in one of those billing periods.

The timetable shows the indicative dates for the key steps in determining and settling any compensation amounts payable to or by relevant Affected Participants, Affected Load Participants, Ancillary Service Providers, Market Suspension Compensation Claimants and Directed Participants, including the corresponding recovery or distribution trading amounts. The processes for determining compensation and associated settlement are set out in NER 3.12.2, 3.12.3, 3.14.5A, 3.14.5B, 3.15.6B, 3.15.7, 3.15.7A, 3.15.7B, 3.15.8, 3.15.8A, 3.15.9 and 3.15.10C. AEMO must use reasonable endeavours to complete the whole process so that final payments are reflected if practicable in the routine revised statements issued approximately 20 weeks after the relevant billing period, and in the routine revised statement issued approximately 30 weeks after the relevant billing period.

If an AEMO intervention event does occur, the timing for interim steps may diverge from the initial intervention settlement timetable as the process goes on. AEMO will review this at least monthly and publish an update to the timetable if necessary, in accordance with NER 3.12.1(c). Material changes in timing are more likely where:

  • Participants claim additional compensation amounts.
  • The NER require AEMO to appoint an independent expert to determine additional claims or a fair payment price for a service other than energy or ancillary services.
  • There is a large number of claims, or the claims involve new or complex circumstances.
  • Intervention settlements for multiple AEMO intervention events are progressing simultaneously.

For further information please email: NEM Intervention

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