Electricity retailer
This section assists retailers (including local retailers) in identifying the changes they need to make to implement 5MS and GS. It also provides links to the key information that triggers or supports the relevant changes.
The information provided by AEMO on 5MS and GS is general and may not be appropriate for any participant’s particular situation or market activities. Please also refer to AEMO’s privacy and legal notices.
At a high level, what are the 5MS/GS changes I need to make?
To implement 5MS/GS, retailers need to develop capability to:
- Manage 5-minute metering data
- Manage 5-minute reallocations, if applicable
- Receive and process new NMI classification codes
- Reconcile market settlement invoices, including unaccounted for energy (UFE)
- Manage non-contestable unmetered loads (local retailers only)
How should we make these changes and when do we need make them?
Retailers are responsible for updating their systems and processes by 1 October 2021 for:
- Managing 5-minute reallocations
- Reconciling market settlement invoices, including (UFE).
Retailers should refer to the Metering Transition Plan (MTP) for information on how and when to implement capability for:
- Managing 5-minute metering data
- New NMI classification codes
- Managing non-contestable unmetered loads (local retailers only)
The MTP was developed in consultation with industry through the 5MS and GS Readiness Working Group (RWG) and its subsidiary Transition Focus Group (TFG). It provides co-ordinated guidance for AEMO and participants by setting out the expected responsibilities, detailed activities, dependencies and timeframes for completion for elements of the 5MS/GS metering transition.
Importantly, the MTP is the basis for participants, including retailers, to complete their own Metering Transition Plans. Participants will individually develop and manage their physical metering and metering data activity based on the timeframes agreed in the plan.
Which AEMO procedures/ rules that are relevant to me have changed?
A Procedures Working Group was formed to consider which procedures relevant to a local retailer would be impacted by the 5MS and GS implementation program. This working group supported the development of the following documents that are relevant to retailers:
As rules and procedures continue to evolve, please monitor the AEMC website or the meeting outcomes of the following forums to keep up to date with the latest developments:
Which AEMO systems that are relevant to me will change?
Impact on local retailers
Reallocations Yes Affects all retailers who submit reallocations for periods beyond 1 October 2021 via online screens. MDM Yes Key changes affecting retailers are CATS – NMI classification code updates and any ICF updates. -
How and when do we test the changes?
The approach to and timing of participant testing for 5MS and GS is set out in the Industry Test and Market Trials Strategy, which is located on the Participant Testing page of 5MS website. Details of the testing will be set out in the test plans to be developed in consultation with the Industry Testing Working Group.
For details relating to the availability of staging environments for testing associated with Reallocations, MDM and settlements, refer to 5MS Staging Environment page for release timelines and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Note that retailers are responsible for:
- Testing their systems and processes that interact directly or indirectly with AEMO’s market systems.
- Arranging bilateral testing with other participants.
What contingencies are in place?
AEMO has contingency responses prepared to respond to industry readiness risks should they eventuate. These responses are documented in the Industry Readiness Contingency Plan section of the 5MS and GS market readiness strategies and plans table.