Metering data provider

This section assists Metering Data Providers (MDPs) in identifying the changes they need to make to implement 5MS and, where relevant, GS. It also provides links to the key information that triggers or supports the relevant changes.

The information provided by AEMO on 5MS and GS is general and may not be appropriate for any participant’s particular situation or market activities. Please also refer to AEMO’s privacy and legal notices.

  • At a high level, what are the 5MS/GS changes I need to make?

    To implement 5MS and GS, metering data providers will need to:

    • Assess their need for an accreditation update in consultation with AEMO
    • Retrieve, store and deliver 5-minute metering data to Participants and AEMO
    • Create or update MSATS datastream standing data as required.
    • Assist with the resolution of any connection point or metering issues identified as part of Unaccounted for Energy (UFE) publication
  • How should we make these changes and when do we need make them?

    The Metering Transition Plan is the basis for participants, including MDPs, to complete their own Metering Transition Plans. 

    The Metering Transition Plan was developed in consultation with industry through the 5MS Readiness Working Group (RWG) and its subsidiary Transition Focus Group (TFG). It provides coordinated guidance for AEMO and participants by setting out the expected responsibilities, detailed activities, dependencies and timeframes for completion for elements of the 5MS/GS metering transition. 

    Participants will individually develop and manage their metering data activity based on the timeframes agreed in the plan.

  • Which AEMO procedures that are relevant to me have changed?

    Metering Focus Group (MFG) was formed to consider metering procedure matters related to the 5MS and GS implementation program. This focus group reported to the 5MS Procedures Working Group and supported the development of:

    • 5MS Metering package #1: Metering data. Amendments to various metering procedures to support the implementation of the 5MS rule. 
    • 5MS/GS Metering package #2: MSATS and SLPs. Amendments to various metering procedures to support the implementation of the 5MS and GS rules.
    • 5MS Metering package #3: Miscellaneous. Amendments to various metering-related documents to support the implementation of the 5MS and GS rules.

    MDPs should refer to these Metering Packages, available on AEMO’s website, to further understand changes to various metering procedures.

  • Which AEMO systems that are relevant to me will change?


    Impact on MDPs


    MDM platform Yes Key changes affecting MDPs relate to metering data delivery and Datastream standing data requirements.
     B2M APIs  Optional MDPs can choose to adopt APIs for B2M transactions noting that FTP transactions will remain open for the foreseeable future after 5MS goes live i.e. switching to API is not a mandatory part of the program. This approach provides MDPs the option to adopt APIs in-line with their own technology programs. 
  • How and when do we test the market system changes?

    The approach to and schedule for market testing for 5MS and GS is set out in the Industry Test and Market Trials Strategy. It is supported by detailed test plans for each test phase. 

    MDPs can participate in the:

    • MDM platform market trial
    • B2M APIs invitation industry test

    5-minute files will also be tested during the following end-to-end market trials provide an opportunity for MDPs to validate the 5 minute format of MTRD files:

    • Settlements and dispatch and bidding 
    • Five-minute settlement 
    • Global settlement 

    Details of the testing will be set out in the test plans to be developed in consultation with the Industry Testing Working Group.

    Note that MDPs are responsible for:

    • Testing their systems and processes that interact directly or indirectly with AEMO’s market systems. 
    • Arranging bilateral testing with other participants.
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