Stage 2 - Enquiry

Connection Enquiry Fee Increase 

Over the past year, there has been an increase in complexities in the Connection Enquiry Response process and our NER obligations. Our priority remains to provide you with a detailed report regarding your potential projects.  To ensure that our charges fairly represent the cost to deliver, please note that from 1 July 2024, the Enquiry Response Fee will be increasing from $15,000 to $18,000. 

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Connection Enquiries to new Greenfield transmission projects such as Western Renewables Link and VNI West, cannot be formally lodged and progressed until these projects reach Considered Project status. 

To be classed as a Considered Project, as defined in the National Electricity Rules, the following criteria must be met:

  • Necessary land and easements have to be acquired
  • All necessary planning and development approvals have to be obtained
  • The project has to have passed the regulatory investment test for transmission, or an intention to proceed has been published in the Transmission Annual Planning Report, and
  • Construction has to have commenced or a firm date is set to commence.

Please refer to the respective project websites for information on current project status.

The Enquiry stage is the first formal stage of the Connection Process under Clause 5.3 (transmission network connections) of the National Electricity Rules (Rules).  

To make an enquiry, you need to submit a Connection Enquiry Form and any supporting information.

Once an Enquiry has been submitted, a $18,000 fee is charged to you for the Enquiry Stage and for the provision of the Enquiry Response.

We will prepare a formal response that will typically include:

  • Requirements in respect of technical studies and access standards.
  • Land use and type of transmission service.
  • Preliminary connection program and connection options.
  • Preliminary system strength impact assessment and system strength remediation.
  • Further information about the Pre-application option and requirements to complete an Application to Connect. 

After the Connection Enquiry Response has been provided to the you, we will offer a meeting with the team to discuss the Enquiry Response details.

Further to this you may also ask AEMO to provide transmission network data to assist you in undertaking connection studies, refer to the Data Provision page.

We inform the incumbent DTSO of potential connections following enquiries to their assets omitting specific details until the Connection Applicant is ready to proceed with a connection. 

The Rules enable any person to fund AEMO to conduct a Scale Efficient Network Extension (SENE) study. A SENE study will identify the likelihood of multiple network users accessing transmission infrastructure, and the cost of accommodating those network users. Applicants who are interested in funding a SENE study should contact AEMO at this stage.


  For more information, you can email:

  Victorian transmission connection Email us



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