Register a Facility in the WEM

This page provides an overview of the processes and tasks required to register a Facility in the WEM. As with Rule Participant registration, this occurs in two stages:

  • Stage 1: creating the candidate Facility in the Wholesale Electricity Market System (WEMS); and
  • Stage 2: submitting accompanying Facility data (~3 months prior to Facility operating) and then subsequently applying for Facility registration Change Request in WEMS.

Further information on how to apply to register a Facility will be available in the WEM Procedure for Facility Registration Processes. Please note this Procedure is currently being updated and will need to go through public consultation. It is expected to be available in July 2024.

In the interim please contact to the Energy Market Management (EMM) team at The EMM team will provide assistance in completing any Facility registration process and can provide you guidance on where there may be differences from the previous market procedure for Facility Registration, De-Registration and Transfer Procedure.

Please note Facility registration process can only begin once the applicant has been registered as a Rule Participant. Information on Rule Participant registration is available here:

Category and classification

To apply for Facility Registration in the WEM, an applicant must have a Facility (as defined under clause 2.29.1B), and then must apply to be registered in a Facility Class (as defined under class 2.29.1A).

An exception to the above is the registration of a connection point to apply for a Load or part of a Load to be registered as a Non-Dispatchable Load in Wholesale Electricity Market System (WEMS) with Intermittent Load status (or is associated with an Intermittent Load) under clause 2.30B.5.

Another exception is to apply to register a Non-Dispatchable Load in Wholesale Electricity Market System (WEMS), if your connection point is applying for Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) Ride-Through Capability accreditation and is not registered in a Facility Class.

Stage 1: Creating a candidate Facility in WEMS

To register a Facility, a candidate Facility first be created in WEMS. The following form must be completed and emailed to the WA Energy Market Management at

If your Facility is Transmission Connected Generating System (generation works or storage works) you should refer to the Generator Performance Standards Framework and if you want to discuss, please contact the AEMO WEM GPS team on

Stage 2: Submitting Facility data, obtaining Austraclear ID and then applying for Facility registration Registering a Facility

Once the candidate Facility is approved in WEMS, you will be able to begin the next steps of the registration process. It recommended you contact the Energy Market Management team at at least 3 months prior to your intended date for the Facility to be operational in the WEM (e.g. date to commence injecting or withdrawing from the network). This allows time for you to confirm and provide remaining registration data and plan commissioning activities with AEMO.

Registration requirements for Stage 2

The following actions must be completed to register a Facility.

Obtain Austraclear ID

Participants must have a valid Austraclear ID in the WEMS Market Participant Interface (MPI) to enable the settlement of WEM invoices in relation to their Facility at least 1 month prior to the Facility operating in the WEM.

Failure to supply the required information within the time frame required by AEMO may result in the Participant being unable to participate in the WEM or may result in the Participant being unable to receive payment for market services delivered.

Further information about Austraclear accounts requirements is provided on the AEMO’s Clearing Payments page:

Submitting Facility Registration Data

The Participant must provide Facility data, including Standing Data in accordance with Appendix 1 of the WEM Rules, prior to the Facility being registered.

This to support the registration and operation of the Facility in the WEM.

Participants are required to first submit Provisional Registration Forms for their applicable Facility Classes, which are available below:

Instructions on how to submit the Provisional Registration Forms are contained in the form.

The application should be completed and emailed to the WA Energy Market Management at for AEMO to assess the data, raise any issues or queries and then subsequently provide provisional approval.

For specifications and definitions for each field in the Provisional Registration Forms, a WEMS Registration Technical Guide is also available at the following link:

Submitting the provisional approved data in WEMS MPI as Change requests

Once the Provisional Registration Forms have been approved by AEMO, the Participant must transpose the provisionally approved data into the following change requests in the WEMS Market Participant Interface (MPI):

  • Facility Generation Information Change Request
  • Facility Standing Data Change Request
  • Depending on the Facility Class – Separately Certified Component and/or Facility Technology Type Change Requests

Submitting the Facility Registration WEMS MPI as Change requests

Once the above Facility data is approved and effective in AEMO’s systems, the Facility Registration Change Request must be submitted and for it to include the below completed Declaration of Facility registration.

The Facility Registration Change Request is the final application to submit and when approved by AEMO determines the date the Facility is registered in the WEM and the date that associated market obligations commence.

Application Fee

Participants must pay the Facility Registration application as outlined on the WA Budget and Fees report on the Fees and Charges webpage:

Registration of a Demand Side Programme

Market Participants with Demand Side Programmes must also submit DSP NDL Association Change Request in WEMS MPI. This can be done before or after the Demand Side Programme has been Facility Registration application has been approved; however it must be completed prior to any Capacity Obligation dates.

Registration of an Interruptible Load

Market Participants with an Interruptible Load must submit:

  • application of FCESS accreditation for Contingency Reserve Raise must be made by following the process on Seeking Accreditation for FCESS; and
  • an NDL Association Form for an Interruptible Load Facility in the Facility Standing Data Change Request in WEMS (see below):
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