Transgrid has recently published a Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR) for increasing capacity for generation in Wagga North Area.
The Wagga North area has seen significant growth in renewable generation connections to the transmission network, as part of the wider energy market transition. Currently, approximately 409 MW of renewable generation is already in service in this area. Transgrid is also aware of two additional BESS that are proposed to be developed in the area with a combined capacity of 120 MW.
Lines 9R5, 9R6 and 991 play a central role in transmitting the electricity from these renewable generators via our Wagga North 132/66 kV and Wagga 330/132 kV substations. Our analysis shows that the load requirements on Lines 9R5 and 9R6 exceed their thermal rating under system normal network conditions if the current in-service renewable generators in the Wagga North area are dispatched to their maximum capacities. Lines 9R6 and 9R5 have consistently appeared as top 10 binding constraints in AEMO’s monthly constraint reports, with renewable generation being constrained to ensure reliable operation of the lines.
An opportunity has been identified to upgrade the 132 kV Lines 9R6 and 9R5 supplying Wagga North 132/66 kV substation to alleviate potential thermal constraints due to recent renewable generation developments in the Wagga North area. In all credible scenarios there is expected to be significant economic benefit to the National Electricity Market (NEM) to strengthen the transmission network to relieve this constraint and realise net market benefits by avoiding curtailment of low-cost renewable generation in the Wagga North area.
The identified need for this RIT-T is to increase overall net market benefits in the NEM through improving capacity and relieving existing constraints on renewable generation in the Wagga North area. This will enable greater output from renewable generation in this region of the NEM.
Transgrid welcomes written submissions on materials contained in this PSCR. Submissions are particularly sought on the four credible options presented and from potential proponents of non-network options that could meet the technical requirements set out in this PSCR. Submissions are due on 26 March 2025.
The next formal stage of this RIT-T is the publication of the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR). The PADR will include the full quantitative analysis of the credible options and is anticipated to be published in mid-2025.
In accordance with the requirements of the National Electricity Rules, a summary of the PSCR is made available on the AEMO website. A copy of the PSCR can be obtained from Transgrid’s website or by emailing