
Market Wholesale Electricity Market (WA)
StageDiscussion Paper
ConvenorAEMO WEM
Accepting submissions?Yes
Submissions close24/01/2023

Consultation process

  • Publication of Procedure Change Proposal
    12 December 2022
  • APCWG forum
    17 January 2023
  • Closing date for submissions on Procedure Change Proposal
    24 January 2023
  • Publication of Procedure Change Report
    3 March 2023
  • Commencement of amended WEM DER Register Information Procedure
    2 October 2023

Procedure Change Proposal

Wholesale Electricity Market Rules – Clause 2.10

Date of Notice: 12 December 2022

Matter under Consultation

AEMO has initiated this Procedure Change Proposal to amend the WEM DER Register Information Procedure to:

  • incorporate electric vehicles (EVs) and electric vehicle charging equipment data in accordance with action 12 of the Electric Vehicle Action Plan: Preparing Western Australia’s electricity system for EVs as developed by Energy Policy WA;
  • integrate changes following amendments to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 which has been superseded by AS/NZS 4777.2:2020;
  • implement minor changes that better reflect the changed operational expectations of DER in the WEM and SWIS (e.g. implementation of Emergency Solar Management); 
  • improve the completeness and quality of data exchanged between Network Operators and AEMO (e.g. conveying additional context to reinforce clarity in the document; better aligning the Procedure with related technical specifications); and
  • reinforce alignment to the WEM Rules, and make other minor administrative changes.

Further details are provided in the Procedure Change Proposal published with this notice. The proposed amended WEM Procedure is also published with this notice.

Invitation to Make Submissions

AEMO invites submissions on this Procedure Change Proposal, including any alternative options or drafting you consider may improve the proposed WEM Procedure or better meet the Wholesale Market Objectives specified in section 122(2) of the Electricity Industry Act 2004 (and clause 1.2.1 of the WEM Rules).  

Please identify any parts of your submission that you wish to remain confidential, and explain why. AEMO may still publish that information if it does not consider it to be confidential, but will consult with you before doing so.


Before the closing date for submissions, you may request a meeting with AEMO to discuss the issues and proposed changes raised in the Procedure Change Proposal, stating why you consider a meeting is necessary or desirable.

If appropriate, meetings may be held jointly with other stakeholders. Subject to confidentiality restrictions, AEMO will generally make details of matters discussed at a meeting available to other stakeholders, and may publish those details.

Closing Date and Time

Submissions in response to this Procedure Change Proposal should be sent by email to, to reach AEMO by 5.00 pm (AWST) on 24 January 2023.

All submissions must be in electronic format (pdf or Microsoft Word). Submissions should use the Procedure Change Submission form available on this page.

AEMO is not obliged to consider submissions received after the closing date and time. Any late submissions should explain the reason for delay and the detriment to you if AEMO does not consider your submission.


All submissions will be published on AEMO’s website. Confidential information will not be published, other than as specified above.

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