Market Notices

62655GENERAL NOTICE02/05/2018 04:26:52 PM

Use of dynamically varying Lack of Reserve (LOR) trigger levels in PD and ST PASA from 3/5/2018


Use of dynamically varying Lack of Reserve (LOR) trigger levels in PD and ST PASA from 3/5/2018

Please refer the Reserve Level Declaration Guidelines document published by AEMO on 16 Jan 2018. This document is available at:

The section 4 of this document explains that AEMO will determine the sizes of two largest credible contingency events that could affect the available supply of electricity for each region from time to time. The sizes of these credible contingencies will be used in determining LOR trigger levels. These would generally be determined automatically, consistent with a list of relevant credible contingency events published by AEMO on the same web page above.

There is no changes to the application of the FUM in determining LOR trigger levels.

AEMO is delivering the required functionality to determine the sizes of two largest credible contingency events to its PD/ST PASA systems on 3 May 2018.

AEMO is planning to use LOR trigger levels based on dynamically varying credible contingency sizes in PD and ST PASA from approximately 1000 hrs on 3 May 2018.

Operations Planning
62650GENERAL NOTICE02/05/2018 12:08:42 PM

Update - Planned test of 6 Second Raise Frequency Control Ancillary Service in Tasmania on 02/05/2018


Update - Planned test of 6 Second Raise Frequency Control Ancillary Service in Tasmania on 02/05/2018

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 62644

Testing was completed at 1135hrs.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
62649GENERAL NOTICE02/05/2018 12:07:13 PM

Planned outage of South East to Tailem Bend No.1 275 kV line in the SA region on 03/05/2018


The South East to Tailem Bend No.1 275 kV line in South Australia (SA) region is planned to be out of service from 1600 hrs to 1700 hrs on 03/05/2018. This outage is scheduled to occur concurrently with a planned outage of the Moorabool - Tarrone 500 kV line in Victoria region (refer to AEMO Market Notice 62623).

During this outage, SA will remain connected to the rest of the NEM via the South East to Tailem Bend No.2 275kV line and the 132kV network. Due to the concurrent planned outage of the Moorabool - Tarrone 500 kV line in Victoria, 35 MW of raise and lower regulation FCAS will be sourced from within SA.

A credible contingency event on the South East to Tailem Bend No.2 275 kV line or the Tailem Bend to Tungkillo 275kV line during this planned outage will sever the 275kV connections between the NEM and SA. If SA remains connected to the NEM via the 132kV network, this will pose a system security issue.

If one of the above credible contingencies occurs, AEMO will take all necessary steps as outlined in Section 6.1 of SO_OP_3715 Power System Security Guideline to separate the 132kV network and therefore manage an orderly separation of SA from the NEM.

The following constraint sets has been invoked for this outage:

Forecast capacity reserves in the South Australia region are currently sufficient to meet electricity demand during the planned outage.

Refer AEMO Network Outage Schedule (NOS) for further details.

Ryan Burge
AEMO Operations
62644GENERAL NOTICE01/05/2018 01:50:44 PM

Planned test of 6 Second Raise Frequency Control Ancillary Service in Tasmania on 02/05/2018


Planned test of 6 Second Raise Frequency Control Ancillary Service in Tasmania on 02/05/2018

A new 6 Second Raise frequency control ancillary service (FCAS) has been registered in the NEM effective from 30/04/2018.

This FCAS service is delivered by automatic tripping of selected contracted load blocks when Tasmanian frequency declines to a set value.

A live test of this scheme has been arranged on the request of the relevant participant.

Scheduled time of the test is 1130 hrs - 1200 hrs on Wednesday 2/05/2018.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
62634GENERAL NOTICE01/05/2018 09:57:11 AM

Network Augmentation Commissioned - South Australia Region - 01/05/2018


Network augmentation commissioned - South Australia Region - 01/05/2018

Refer to MN 61972

A network augmentation has been commissioned in the SA Region as follows:

Willalo to Willogolecche Windfarm 275 kV Line was commissioned at 0840 hrs 01/05/2018

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
62629GENERAL NOTICE01/05/2018 09:15:50 AM

Planned outage of Tungkillo - Tailem Bend 275kV line in the SA region beginning on 31/05/2018


The Tungkillo - Tailem Bend 275kV line in South Australia (SA) region is planned to be out of service from 0830 hrs on 31/05/2018 to 1730 hrs on 01/06/2018.

During this outage, SA will remain connected to the rest of the NEM via the Tailem Bend - Cherry Garden 275kV line and the 132kV network.

A credible contingency event on the Tailem Bend - Cherry Garden 275 kV line during this planned outage will sever the 275kV connections between the NEM and SA. If SA remains connected to the NEM via the 132kV network, this will pose a system security issue.

If the above credible contingency occurs, 35 MW of raise and lower regulation FCAS will be sourced from within SA.

If this occurs, AEMO will take all necessary steps as outlined in Section 6.1 of SO-OP-3715 Power System Security Guideline to separate the 132kV network and therefore manage an orderly separation of SA from the NEM.

Mya San
AEMO Operations
62623GENERAL NOTICE30/04/2018 02:09:00 PM

The Moorabool - Tarrone 500 kV line in Victoria region is planned out of service on 3 May 2018


The Moorabool - Tarrone 500 kV line in Victoria region is planned out of service from 1600 hrs to 1700 hrs on 3 May 2018

A credible contingency event during this planned outage could cause synchronous separation of the South Australia (SA) region from the rest of the NEM. If separation occurs, load may be interrupted due to the operation of the Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS) scheme in SA.

The credible separation contingency is managed as follows:
- 35 MW of raise and lower regulation FCAS will be sourced from SA.
- When power transfer is from SA to Victoria, contingency lower FCAS will be sourced from SA.
- When power transfer is from Victoria to SA, due to the 47-52Hz island separation frequency band advised by the SA jurisdiction, contingency raise FCAS is not sourced in SA and the AUFLS scheme may respond to low frequency events.
- Power transfer will be restricted on Victoria - South Australia interconnector (Heywood interconnector) to manage system security following the next contingency.

The following constraint sets has been invoked for this outage:

Forecast capacity reserves in the South Australia region are currently sufficient to meet electricity demand during the planned outage.

Refer AEMO Network Outage Schedule (NOS) for further details.

Ying Xu
AEMO Operations
62369GENERAL NOTICE18/04/2018 03:55:56 PM

Network Augmentation Commissioned - Tasmania Region - 15/04/2018


Network augmentation commissioned - Tasmania Region - 15/04/2018

A network augmentation has been commissioned in the Tasmania Region as follows:
George Town No.3 110kV 42MVar capacitor bank was commissioned at 1800hrs 15/04/2018

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
62269GENERAL NOTICE13/04/2018 10:08:25 AM

Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region 13/04/18.


Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region 13/04/18.

The synchronous generating units expected to be synchronised in SA from 0030 hrs 14/04/2018 to 1230 hrs 16/04/2018 based on submitted generator availability is currently inadequate to maintain sufficient system strength in SA and hence a secure operating state.

AEMO currently estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 1400 hrs 13/04/2018, AEMO may need to issue a Direction requiring one or more synchronous generating unit(s) in South Australia to operate or remain synchronised from 0030 hrs 14/04/2018 to 1230 hrs 16/04/2018 to maintain power system security in SA.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations

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