Market Notices

57347MARKET INTERVENTION09/02/2017 07:09:55 PM

Cancellation - Direction South Australia Region Thursday, 9 February 2017


Cancellation - Direction South Australia Region Thursday, 9 February 2017

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notices 57312 and 57340

Direction cancelled at 1900 hrs Thursday, 9 February 2017

Manager NEM Real Time Operations

57340MARKET INTERVENTION09/02/2017 05:17:48 PM

Update - Direction - South Australia region - 9/02/17


Update to AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 57312

For the duration of the direction referred to in Market Notice 57312, AEMO has applied constraints to generating units in the South Australia region to minimise the effect on interconnector flows and minimise the number of Affected Participants in accordance with clause 4.8.9(h) of the National Electricity Rules.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
57321MARKET INTERVENTION09/02/2017 03:52:16 PM

Update - AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 9/02/17


Update - AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 9/02/17
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 57312 and 57316

The AEMO Intervention Event commenced in the 1510 hrs dispatch interval and is forecast to apply until 1900 hrs 9/02/17.
Intervention pricing was implemented from the 1550 hrs dispatch interval and is forecast to apply until the end of the AEMO Intervention Event.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
57316MARKET INTERVENTION09/02/2017 03:17:46 PM

AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 9/02/17


AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 9/02/17
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 57312
An AEMO Intervention Event has been implemented by issuing a direction to maintain the power system in a reliable operating state.
AEMO declares all dispatch intervals during the AEMO Intervention Event to be intervention price dispatch intervals.
The AEMO Intervention Event commenced in the 1510 hrs dispatch interval and is forecast to apply until 1900 hrs 9/02/17
Intervention pricing may be implemented during these intervention price dispatch intervals. AEMO will provide an update market notice when intervention pricing has been implemented in dispatch.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
57312MARKET INTERVENTION09/02/2017 03:17:31 PM

Direction - South Australia region - 9/02/17


In accordance with clause 4.8.9 of the National Electricity Rules AEMO has issued a direction to a participant in the South Australia region.

The direction was necessary to maintain the power system in a reliable operating state.

The direction was issued at 1505 hrs 9/02/17 and is expected to stay in place until 1900 hrs 9/02/17.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
56067MARKET INTERVENTION01/12/2016 03:45:17 PM

Direction ceased - Victoria Region region 1/12/16


Direction - Victoria Region region 1/12/16
In accordance with clause 4.8.9 of the National Electricity Rules AEMO has issued a direction to a participant in the Victoria region.
The direction was necessary to re-establish the power system to a secure operating state,
The direction was issued at 1030 hrs and ceased at 1545hrs /1/2/16

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
56060MARKET INTERVENTION01/12/2016 11:15:53 AM

AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 1/12/16


AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 1/12/16
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice no. 56046
An AEMO Intervention Event has been implemented by issuing a direction to re-establish the power system to a secure operating state.
AEMO declares all dispatch intervals during the AEMO Intervention Event to be intervention price dispatch intervals.
The AEMO Intervention Event commenced in the 1035 hrs dispatch interval.

Intervention pricing will not be implemented during these intervention price dispatch intervals.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
56046MARKET INTERVENTION01/12/2016 10:59:08 AM

Direction - Victoria Region region 1/12/16


Direction - Victoria Region region 1/12/16
In accordance with clause 4.8.9 of the National Electricity Rules AEMO has issued a direction to a participant in the Victoria region.
The direction was necessary to re-establish the power system to a secure operating state,
The direction was issued at 1030 hrs and is expected to stay in place until further notice

Manager NEM Real Time Operations

56022MARKET INTERVENTION01/12/2016 07:42:37 AM

AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 1/12/16


AEMO Intervention Event intervention price dispatch intervals - 1/12/16
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice no. 55973 and 56015
An AEMO Intervention Event has been implemented by issuing a direction to maintain the power system in a secure operating state.
AEMO declares all dispatch intervals during the AEMO Intervention Event to be intervention price dispatch intervals.
The AEMO Intervention Event commenced in the 0135 hrs dispatch interval.
Intervention pricing will be implemented during these intervention price dispatch intervals from the 0135 hrs dispatch interval until the end of the AEMO Intervention Event at 0500 hrs 1/12/16

Manager NEM Real Time Operations

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