Market Notices

116019MARKET SYSTEMS07/04/2024 01:18:16 PM

CHG0087653 | Completed | Production | Prod eMDM Maintenance

Change Number: CHG0087653

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: MDM - Meter Data Management

Change Title: Prod eMDM Maintenance

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
115998MARKET SYSTEMS06/04/2024 05:03:12 PM

CHG0086184 | Completed | Production | NSW Internet Router Refresh

Change Number: CHG0086184

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: Local Area Network

Change Title: NSW Internet Router Refresh

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
115939MARKET SYSTEMS03/04/2024 09:13:24 AM

CHG0087334 | Completed | Production | Brisbane MarketNet Firewall Refresh

Change Number: CHG0087334

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: Firewall

Change Title: Brisbane MarketNet Firewall Refresh

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
115938MARKET SYSTEMS03/04/2024 08:55:44 AM

CHG0087775 | Completed | Pre-Production | Pre-Prod MSATS Lifecycle Maintenance

Change Number: CHG0087775

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: MSATS - Consumer Administration and Transfer Solution(CATS)_PreProd

Change Title: Pre-Prod MSATS Lifecycle Maintenance

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
115870MARKET SYSTEMS28/03/2024 05:11:15 PM

CHG0087932 | Completed | Pre-Production | Planned System Maintenance in Preproduction for Web Exchanger

Change Number: CHG0087932

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: DWGM - Web Exchanger

Change Title: Planned System Maintenance in Preproduction for Web Exchanger

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
115869MARKET SYSTEMS28/03/2024 05:05:02 PM

CHG0087932 | Pre-Production | Planned System Maintenance in Preproduction for Web Exchanger

Change Number: CHG0087932
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Initial
Change Type: Normal

Service/ Component: DWGM - Web Exchanger
Change Title: Planned System Maintenance in Preproduction for Web Exchanger
Change Start Date & Time: 28/03/2024 10:00:00 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 28/03/2024 17:00:00 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time: 28/03/2024 14:00:00 AEST
Outage End Date & Time: 28/03/2024 15:00:00 AEST
Environment: Pre-Production

Participant Impact and Requirements: Access to WEX will not be available during outage window.

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities .
115832MARKET SYSTEMS27/03/2024 03:44:39 PM

CHG0087908 | Pre-Production | Pre-Prod MSATS Lifecycle Maintenance

Change Number: CHG0087908
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Initial
Change Type: Normal
Service/ Component: MSATS - Consumer Administration and Transfer Solution(CATS)_PreProd
Change Title: Pre-Prod MSATS Lifecycle Maintenance
Change Start Date & Time: 27/03/2024 19:00:00 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 01/04/2024 20:00:00 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time: 27/03/2024 19:00:00 AEST
Outage End Date & Time: 01/04/2024 21:18:14 AEST
Environment: Pre-Production
Participant Impact and Requirements: MSATS (preprod), CDR (preprod) and CDP (preprod) will be unavailable daily from today 27th March between 19:00 - 20:00 Market Time (AEST) until Monday 1st April
Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities .
115821MARKET SYSTEMS26/03/2024 08:53:05 PM

CHG0086100 | Completed | Production | Planned System Maintenance - Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM)

Change Number: CHG0086100
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Normal
Service/Component: Declared Wholesale Gas Market
Change Title: Planned System Maintenance - Declared Wholesale Gas Market (DWGM)
Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
115811MARKET SYSTEMS26/03/2024 02:45:36 PM

CHG0087317 | Completed | Pre-Production | Pre-Prod BAU Retail November Maintenance Release

Change Number: CHG0087317
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Normal
Service/Component: MDM - Meter Data Management
Change Title: Pre-Prod BAU Retail November Maintenance Release
Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
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