Market Notices

88763RESERVE NOTICE23/07/2021 02:32:35 PM

STPASA - Cancellation of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW Region on 26/07/2021


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 88732 is cancelled at 1400 hrs 23/07/2021.

No LOR condition is currently forecast in the STPASA period.

AEMO Operations
88762MARKET SYSTEMS23/07/2021 02:15:56 PM

CHG0067492 - Fault Remediation

Change Number: CHG0067492

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Initial

Change Type: Normal

Service/ Component: EMMS - Dispatch

Change Title: Fault Remediation

Change Start Date & Time: 23/07/2021 15:00:00 AEST

Change End Date & Time: 23/07/2021 16:00:00 AEST

Outage Start Date & Time:

Outage End Date & Time:

Change Description:

Fault Remediation

Environment: Production

Participant Impact and Requirements:

Participants are advised that AEMO has discovered an error in the formulation for 5-minute pre-dispatch (5MPD) scenarios. The scenario offsets that were intended to be applied at the start of each 5MPD scenario have instead been applied cumulatively to each interval over the forecast horizon. AEMO will cease publishing 5MPD scenarios until this error is remedied.

AEMO is currently remediating this as a priority, but the necessary re-certification of the NEMDE formulation and software, followed by a period in pre-production, means that 5MPD scenarios are unlikely to be restored to production for several weeks. AEMO apologises for this inconvenience.

Publication of the 5MPD base case, including fast start inflexibility profiles, is unaffected by this change.

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
88761MARKET INTERVENTION23/07/2021 02:14:27 PM

Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region


Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 88734

The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0030 hrs 24/07/2021 to 0400 hrs 25/07/2021 will be inadequate to maintain sufficient system strength in SA and hence a secure operating state.

AEMO estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 1600 hrs 23/07/2021, AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
88760RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY23/07/2021 01:44:35 PM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Tarong - Chinchilla No.7168 132 kV line and Tarong - Chinchilla No.7183 132 kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Tarong - Chinchilla No.7168 132 kV and Tarong - Chinchilla No.7183 132 kV

Cancellation time: 23/07/2021 13:44

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 88757

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
88759RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY23/07/2021 11:14:37 AM

Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7400 132kV line and Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7401 132kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7400 132kV and Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7401 132kV

Cancellation time: 23/07/2021 11:14

Constraint set(s) revoked:

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 88758

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
88758RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY23/07/2021 10:11:30 AM

Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7400 132kV line and Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7401 132kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits to now be more likely and reasonably possible. Accordingly AEMO has reclassified it as a credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7400 132kV and Condabri Nth - Condabri Central 7401 132kV

Duration: 23/07/2021 10:11 until further notice

Constraint set(s) invoked:

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
88757RECLASSIFY CONTINGENCY23/07/2021 09:39:20 AM

Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Tarong - Chinchilla No.7168 132 kV line and Tarong - Chinchilla No.7183 132 kV line in QLD1 due to Lightning.


Reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits to now be more likely and reasonably possible. Accordingly AEMO has reclassified it as a credible contingency event.

Region: QLD1

Lines: Tarong - Chinchilla No.7168 132 kV and Tarong - Chinchilla No.7183 132 kV

Duration: 23/07/2021 09:39 until further notice

Constraint set(s) invoked:

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
88756SETTLEMENTS RESIDUE23/07/2021 08:30:23 AM

[EventId:202107230830_NRM_QLD1_NSW1_stopped] NEGRES CONSTRAINT NRM_QLD1_NSW1 ceased operating from 23 July 2021 08:30


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0830 hrs on 23 July 2021


Refer to market notice: 88753

AEMO has ceased taking action to minimize the further accumulation of negative settlement residues on the QLD to NSW directional interconnector.

The negative residue constraint NRM_QLD1_NSW1 ceased operating at 0830 hrs on 23 July 2021.

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
88755RESERVE NOTICE23/07/2021 08:27:26 AM

STPASA - Cancellation of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 2 (LOR2) in the NSW region on 25/07/2021


The Forecast LOR2 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 88754 is cancelled at 0830 hrs 23/07/2021.

No LOR2 condition is currently forecast in the STPASA period.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
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