Market Notices

90257GENERAL NOTICE06/09/2021 12:48:32 PM

Update - Planned outage of Heywood No.1 500 kV busbar and Heywood - Tarrone 500 kV line in the Victoria region on 07, 08 and 10 September 2021


Refer to MN 90171.

The Heywood No.1 500 kV busbar and Heywood - Tarrone 500 kV line in the Victoria (VIC) region are now planned to be out of service from:
0900 hrs to 2000 hrs on 07/09/2021;
0900 hrs to 2000 hrs on 08/09/2021; and
1600 hrs to 1800 hrs on 10/09/2021.

A credible contingency event during this planned outage could cause synchronous separation of the South Australia (SA) region from the rest of the NEM. If separation occurs, load may be interrupted due to the operation of the Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS) scheme in SA.

The credible separation contingency is managed as follows:

- When power transfer is from SA to VIC, contingency lower FCAS will be sourced from SA.
- When power transfer is from VIC to SA, due to the 47-52Hz island separation frequency band advised by the SA jurisdiction, contingency raise FCAS is not sourced in SA and the AUFLS scheme may respond to low frequency events.
- Power transfer will be restricted on VIC - SA interconnector (Heywood interconnector) to manage system security following the loss of the next contingency.

Forecast capacity reserves in the SA region are currently sufficient to meet electricity demand during the planned outage.

The following constraint sets have been invoked for this outage:


Refer AEMO Network Outage Schedule (NOS) for further details.

AEMO Operations
90256MARKET SYSTEMS06/09/2021 01:33:44 PM

CHG0069771:MSATS - Consumer Administration and Transfer Solution(CATS)

Change Number: CHG0069771

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Initial

Change Type: Normal

Service/ Component: MSATS - Consumer Administration and Transfer Solution(CATS)

Change Title: 5MS - Market Trials Defect Release (Pre-Prod)

Change Start Date & Time: 07/09/2021 18:00:00 AEST

Change End Date & Time: 08/09/2021 16:00:00 AEST

Outage Start Date & Time: 07/09/2021 18:00:00 AEST

Outage End Date & Time: 07/09/2021 20:00:00 AEST

Change Description:

This outage is to allow the deployment of MSATS and eEMDM Pre-Production as part of 5MS Market Trials . MSATS will be unavailable during this outage period.

Environment: Pre-Production

Participant Impact and Requirements:

There will be no access to the Pre-Production MSATS system for the duration of the outage. Please access outside these hours.

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
90255MARKET INTERVENTION06/09/2021 01:56:36 PM

Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - Intervention dispatch intervals - Direction SA region - 06/09/2021


Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - Intervention dispatch intervals - Direction SA region - 06/09/2021

Refer Market Notice 90253

The AEMO Intervention Event and all associated directions are cancelled from 1400 hrs 06/09/2021

Manager NEM Real Time Operations

90253MARKET INTERVENTION06/09/2021 05:26:04 AM

Direction - SA Region - 06/09/2021


Direction - SA Region - 06/09/2021

In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO has issued a direction to a participant in the SA region. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a).

The direction was necessary to maintain the power system in a secure operating state.

AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.

The issue of the direction commences an AEMO intervention event. AEMO declares all dispatch intervals during the event to be intervention dispatch intervals, commencing from the interval ending 0535 hrs on 06/09/2021.

Intervention pricing does not apply to this AEMO intervention event.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
90251MARKET INTERVENTION05/09/2021 01:45:10 PM

Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region


Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 90246

The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0800 hrs 06/09/2021 to 1400 hrs 06/09/2021 will be inadequate to maintain sufficient system strength in SA and hence a secure operating state.

AEMO estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 0530 hrs 06/09/2021, AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA.

Manager NEM Real Time Operation
90250MARKET INTERVENTION05/09/2021 05:54:44 PM

Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - Intervention dispatch intervals - Direction SA region - 04/09/2021


Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - Intervention dispatch intervals - Direction SA region - 04/09/2021

Refer Market Notice 90217

The AEMO Intervention Event and all associated directions are cancelled from 1800 hrs 05/09/2021

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
90246MARKET INTERVENTION05/09/2021 10:31:18 AM

Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region


Possible intervention to manage power system security in South Australia (SA) Region

The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0900 hrs 06/09/2021 will be inadequate to maintain sufficient system strength in SA and hence a secure operating state.

AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA.

Manager NEM Real Time Operation
90245INTER-REGIONAL TRANSFER05/09/2021 09:31:02 AM

Inter-regional transfer limit variation - NSWregion - 05/09/2021


Inter-regional transfer limit variation - NSWregion - 05/09/2021

At 0912 hrs 05/09/2021 there was an unplanned outage of the Bannaby - Sydney West (39) 330kV line.

The following constraint set(s) invoked at 0920 hrs 05/09/2021

This constraint set(s) contains equations with the following interconnectors on the LHS.

Refer to the AEMO Network Outage Scheduler for further information.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
90244PRICES UNCHANGED05/09/2021 08:18:58 AM

[EventId:202109050755_confirmed] Prices for interval 05-Sep-2021 07:55 are now confirmed


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0815 hrs on 5 September 2021

PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for dispatch interval 05-Sep-2021 07:55.

In accordance with Market Notice 90233 AEMO has reviewed this dispatch interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply

Prices remain unchanged.

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
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