System Management report archive

Reports and information that are published by AEMO are available below.

Status reports

Under the Market Rules, System Management must provide a report once every three months on the performance of the market with respect to the dispatch process. This report must include details of:

  • The incidence and extent of issuance of Dispatch Instructions.
  • The incidence and extent of non-compliance with Dispatch Instructions.
  • The incidence and extent of transmission constraints.
  • The incidence and extent of shortfalls in Ancillary Services, involuntary curtailment of load, High Risk Operating States, and Emergency Operating States, together with:
    • A summary of the circumstances that caused each such incident.
    • A summary of the actions that System Management took in response to the incident in each case.

These documents are published in accordance with clause 7.12.2 of the Market Rules.

Annual ancillary services report

Each year System Management must prepare a report pursuant to its obligations under clause 3.11.11 of the WEM Rules. The report comprises three parts:

  1. The quantities of each of the Ancillary Services provided in the preceding year, including Ancillary Services provided under Ancillary Service Contracts, and the adequacy of these quantities.
  2. The total cost of each of the categories of Ancillary Services provided, including Ancillary Services provided under Ancillary Service Contracts, in the preceding year.
  3. The Ancillary Service requirements for the coming year and the Ancillary Services plan to meet those requirements.

Current annual ancillary services report

Ancillary services shortfalls

Under the WEM Rules, AEMO must publish information on any shortfalls in Ancillary Services for each completed Trading Day in the previous twelve calendar months.

Previous notifications of ancillary services shortfalls

This document is published pursuant to clause 10.5.1(j)(v) of the WEM Rules.

Synergy non-compliance information

System Management provides to AEMO a Dispatch Schedule for each non-Synergy facility, indicating the:

  • Operating level required of that facility by System Management in each Trading Interval.
  • Fuel it ran on (if different from that given in the relevant Fuel Declaration).
  • Dispatch Instructions that gave rise to that Dispatch Schedule.

In addition, there is a Dispatch Schedule reflecting the total energy supplied by Synergy based on operational meter and Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) data.

AEMO must publish reports providing the megawatt hours (MWh) of non-compliance of Synergy by Trading Interval, as specified by System Management in accordance with clause 7.13.1A(a) of the WEM Rules for each Trading Month which has been settled.

System Management has not advised AEMO of non-compliance in any interval in any Trading Day.

This document is published in accordance with clause 10.5.1(vA) of the WEM Rules. 

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