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[EventId:202412111300_NRM_NSW1_VIC1_stopped] NEGRES CONSTRAINT NRM_NSW1_VIC1 ceased operating from 11 December 2024 13:00
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1300 hrs on 11 December 2024
Refer to market notice: 121712
AEMO has ceased taking action to minimize the further accumulation of negative settlement residues on the NSW to VIC directional interconnector.
The negative residue constraint NRM_NSW1_VIC1 ceased operating at 1300 hrs on 11 December 2024.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
Foreseeable AEMO intervention under clause 4.8.5A (a) of the NER in SA region
Foreseeable AEMO intervention under clause 4.8.5A (a) of the NER in SA region
AEMO has identified a foreseeable circumstance that may require an AEMO intervention event in the SA region from 0830 hrs 12/12/2024.
The foreseeable circumstance requiring the need for intervention is Voltage.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
NEM Local Temperature Alerts for SA, VIC from 11 Dec 2024 to 15 Dec 2024
AEMO's weather service provider has issued forecast temperatures equal to or greater than the NEM Local Temperature Alert Levels for listed weather stations below.
Adelaide West Terrace (39+ Deg C): 15th Dec
Clare High School (39+ Deg C): 15th Dec
Port Augusta Ap (39+ Deg C): 14th Dec, 15th Dec
Mildura Ap (39+ Deg C): 15th Dec
The NEM Local Temperature Alert Levels are:
Launceston Ti Tree Bend: 33 Deg C, Dalby Airport: 37 Deg C, for all other selected weather stations: 39 Deg C.
AEMO requests Market Participants to:
1. review the weather forecast in the local area where their generating units / MNSP converter stations are located and,
2. if required, update the available capacity in their dispatch offers or availability submissions consistent with the forecast temperatures.
Further information is available at:
AEMO Operations Planning
[EventId:202412111135_NRM_NSW1_VIC1_started] NEGRES CONSTRAINT NRM_NSW1_VIC1 started operating from 11 December 2024 11:35
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1135 hrs on 11 December 2024
Electricity Market outcomes have resulted in the accumulation of negative settlement residues that have exceeded the allowable negative residue threshold for the NSW to VIC directional interconnector.
The negative residue constraint set NRM_NSW1_VIC1 commenced operating from 1135 hrs on 11 December 2024.
This constraint set contains an equation with the following interconnectors on the LHS:
The RHS of the constraint equation may be adjusted to manage residues.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 2 (LOR2) in the NSW Region on 16/12/2024
The Forecast LOR2 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 121709 has been updated at 1100 hrs 11/12/2024 to the following:
1. From 1700 hrs to 1900 hrs 16/12/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 730 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 391 MW.
AEMO is seeking a market response.
AEMO has not yet estimated the latest time it would need to intervene through an AEMO intervention event.
AEMO Operations
CHG0100220 | Completed | Pre-Production | Pre-Production Electricity Market Management System (EMMS) Maintenance - Outages
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Normal
Service/Component: Electricity Market Management System_PreProd
Change Title: Pre-Production Electricity Market Management System (EMMS) Maintenance - Outages
Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 2 (LOR2) in the NSW Region beginning on 16/12/2024
The Forecast LOR2 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 121705 has been updated at 0425 hrs 11/12/2024 to the following:
[1.] From 1730 hrs 16/12/2024 to 1830 hrs 16/12/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 730 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 663 MW.
AEMO is seeking a market response.
AEMO has not yet estimated the latest time it would need to intervene through an AEMO intervention event.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations
Cancellation of a Non-Credible Contingency Event: Armidale - Dumaresq 8C 330kV line and Armidale - Sapphire WF 8E 330kV line in NSW1 due to Lightning.
Cancellation of reclassification of a Non-Credible Contingency Event as a Credible Contingency Event due to Lightning. AEMO considers the simultaneous trip of the following circuits is no longer reasonably possible. There is no longer any lightning activity in the vicinity of the following lines. Accordingly its classification has reverted to a non-credible contingency event.
Region: NSW1
Lines: Armidale - Dumaresq 8C 330kV and Armidale - Sapphire WF 8E 330kV
Cancellation time: 11/12/2024 03:49
Constraint set(s) revoked:
N-ARDM_ARSR_1PH_N-2 Constraint set contains the following interconnector(s) on the left hand side:
Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 121706
Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
NON-CONFORMANCE Region QLD1 Wednesday, 11 December 2024
NON-CONFORMANCE QLD1 Region Wednesday, 11 December 2024
AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:
Unit: MPP_2
Duration: 11/12/2024 02:00 to 11/12/2024 02:20
Amount: -10 MW
Constraint: NC-Q_MPP_2
Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations